PALU city is set to implement a poverty awareness program in a bid to alleviate deprivation in urban areas and speed up the city's overall development.
Palu city Legislative Council speaker, Andi Mulhanan Tombolotutu, said a program targeting those in need of welfare assistance would be prioritized, but there were limited funds from the General Allocations Fund (DAU).
"Funds from the DAU are very scant, so we will first focus more on the poverty awareness program," Mulhanan said.
He said the poverty program was part of a national program called Empowerment of Independent People, which was launched by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at Vatulemo Square in Palu on April 30.
Mulhanan said the council would reject programs submitted by state agencies that were not related to poverty alleviation.
Information from Palu municipal council showed General Allocation Funds in 2007 amounted to Rp 320 billion (US$35.5 million).
Seventy percent of the money would be used for civil servants' payroll, end-of-the-year bonuses and supporting funds, while the remaining 30 percent would be used to fund programs proposed by the working unit at the municipality.
Palu's population is 308,000 but the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2006 showed an estimated 14,000 people living below the poverty.
The Palu city 2006 mid-term development plan said the number of those living below the poverty line was 45,000.
Palu Mayor Rusdy Mastura said the poverty awareness program must be maintained at all costs.
He said the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Aburizal Bakrie had named Palu city as "a model region to receive trust funds", or the Amanah Financial Scheme.
Rusdy said he expected every civil servant in Palu to set a good example and to remain sensitive toward the issue.
"We have the authority, so why don't we use it for the sake of the general public, especially for the poor," Rusdy said.
Rusdy said he hoped the central government would provide soft loans for the poverty alleviation program and to build essential public facilities so provinces would not have to wait for DAU disbursements.
He said he expected every agency head "to be earnest in carrying out their respective programs" and wanted more transparency from upper management.
"An open management (system) indicates an agency that is free from corruption, collusion and nepotism practices," Rusdy said.
"How can we empower poor people if we are corrupt."
Rusdy also said he envisioned a more courteous society in Palu in the future -- a society with open lines of communication that would promote "unity and care among citizens".
"People should also feel guilty for not setting aside part of their money for the poor," he said.
The central government has provided Rp 52 trillion for the nationwide poverty alleviation program this year and will raise the sum to Rp 81 trillion next year.
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